1.underrated 被低估的 He is a very underrated poet.
2.perceive 察觉;理解 I can not perceive any diffrence between
these coins(硬币).
3.float 漂浮;飘动 He spent the afternoon floating on his back
in the pool(游泳池).
4.gene 基因 You have good genes from your parents,so you
should live a long time.
5.generate 产生,导致 This program would generate a lot of
6.receptor 感受器,受体 He discovered the receptor in 1969.
7.emergency 紧急情况 an emergency landing(紧急着陆)
8.vanish 突然消失 He just vanished and was never seen again.
9.slack 懈怠,松懈 He was fired(开除)for slacking at work.
10.b e outraged by 对……感到愤怒 We were outraged by the price
11.u nderlying 潜在的,根本的 an underlying meaning
12.g rievance不满,委屈 He will not easily forget his grievance.
13.r eluctant 不愿的,勉强的 She was reluctant to admit that
she was wrong.
14.m ere 仅仅,只不过 He lost the election(选举)by a mere ten
votes (票).
15.t oss 随意地扔 She tossed me a box of chocolate.
16.i nduce 引起,导致 Doctors said surgery(手术)could induce
a heart attack(疾病发作).
17.r esentment 不满,愤恨 She was filled with resentment for
being fired for no reason.
18.r ighteous 正直的 indignation 愤慨They were filled with
righteous indignation.(义愤填膺)
19.p reserve 特有的活动 Teaching used to be a male preserve.
20.e volve from 由……进化 Brids are widely believed to have
evolved from dinosaur(恐龙).
21.a s yet 到目前为止 We have heard nothing from him as yet.
22.l obby 游说团体 a powerful lobby group
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